It is growing wild and organic in our garden and forest. The Pea Eggplant or wild Eggplant is often also used to grow other eggplants on it, because it is totally resistant to sicknesses. Out of this, the plant also has a lot of health benefits. It has a high inflammatory potential. therefore it is often getting used as a traditional medicine in Southeast Asia. More Information about the plant you find also in Wikipedia. And also on our Webpage.
Really interesting in the time of Covid-19 is this, what we find on the researchgate:
… The fruit of Solanum torvum contains isoflavonoidsulfate and steroidal glycoside, which are anti-viral agents (Arthan et al., 2002). Effective antioxidant properties in the fruit extract also contribute as cardio protective function (Jaiswal, 2012). Steroidal glycoside was also found in the shoot and root of Solanum torvum (Yahara et al., 1996). …
… Meanwhile, the aqueous extract of the leaves contains anti-inflammatory and pain reducing properties, as the extract was effectively halting unpleasant syndrome induced by acetic acid in rats (Ndebia et al., 2007). Other than that, oral administration of methyl caffeate isolated from fruit of Solanum torvum had shown dose-dependent antihyperglycemic effect through in vivo study (Jaiswal, 2012). The Murut people in Sabah, use Solanum torvum fruit as a condiment for cooking meat, the Lundayeh, another indigenous people in Sipitang district, Sabah, and Dayak in Kalimantan, consume the fruit fresh (Kulip et al., 2000;Kulip, 2003;Hastin et al., 2011). …
… Antioxidants are microconstituents present in the diet that could delay or halt lipid oxidation and are also functional in scavenging free radical (Szôllôsi and Varga, 2002). Prevention of lipid oxidation by antioxidant properties could help protect cardiac tissue (Jaiswal, 2012). Many flavonoids such as quercetin, luteolin and catechins are better antioxidants than the antioxidant nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin E and ßcarotene (Zhonghong et al., 1999).
We sell the berries per 100 g fresh picked
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