Ecovillage Silimalombu



Scientific Name: Mangifera Indica

Bahasa Indonesian: Mangga

Batak: Mangga

Basic Information: Mangoes are juicy stone fruit (drupe), cultivated mostly for their edible fruit. They have a skin that ranges in color from yellow to green to red-green depending on the varietz. The majority of these species are found in nature as wild mangoes. The genus belongs to the cashew family (Anacardiaceae). The mango tree is an evergreen tree branching with a thick trunk and a broad, rounded canopy, often reaching 15-18 meters. The flowers are small, pinkish, and fragrant and are usually in loose clusters. Mangoes are native to South Asia, from where the “common mango” or “Indian mango”, Mangifera indica, has been distributed worldwide to become one of the most widely cultivated fruits in the tropics. The mango tree is considered indigenous to eastern Asia, Myanmar (Burma), and Assam state of India.

Health Benefits:

  1. Prevents Cancer – the antioxidant compounds found in mangoes protect against colon, breast, leukemia, and prostate cancers.
  2. Reduces Cholesterol – high levels of fiber, pectin, and vitamin C help lower cholesterol levels.
  3. Clears the Skin – mangoes can help to clear clogged pores and eliminate pimples
  4. Improves Eye Health – high levels of vitamin A promotes good eyesight and prevents night blindness and dry eyes.
  5. Alkalizes the Body – tartaric acid, malic acid, and small amounts of citric acid are found in mangoes.
  6. May Help with Diabetes – mango leaves help normalize insulin levels in the blood.
  7. Promotes Healthy Sex – a balanced amount of vitamin E is said to increase sex drive.
  8. Improves Digestion – mangoes contain enzymes that break down protein as well as fiber that aids in digestion.
  9. Helps Fight Heat Stroke – green mango juice can be used to cool down the body.
  10. Boosts the Immune System – High amounts of vitamins A and C keep your immune system healthy and strong.

Fun Facts:

  • Mangoes are the national fruit of India, and are considered sacred – they believe it is a symbol of love and that they can even grant wishes. They are also the national fruit of Pakistan and the national tree of Bangladesh
  • More fresh mangoes are eaten around the world every day than any other fruit
  • It is believed that Buddha meditated under the cool shade of a mango tree


Mango Leaves

8 Emerging Benefits of Mango Leaves

Many people are familiar with the sweet, tropical fruit that comes from mango trees, but you may not realize that the leaves of mango trees are edible as well.

Young green mango leaves are very tender, so they’re cooked and eaten in some cultures. Because the leaves are considered very nutritious, they’re also used to make tea and supplements.

The leaves of Mangifera indica, a particular species of mango, have been used in healing practices like Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years (1Trusted Source, 2Trusted Source).

Although the stem, bark, leaves, roots, and fruit are likewise used in traditional medicine, the leaves in particular are believed to help treat diabetes and other health conditions (2Trusted Source).

Here are 8 emerging benefits and uses of mango leaves, backed by science.

1. Rich in plant compounds

Mango leaves contain several beneficial plant compounds, including polyphenols and terpenoids (3Trusted Source).

Terpenoids are important for optimal vision and immune health. They’re also antioxidants, which protect your cells from harmful molecules called free radicals (4Trusted Source).

Meanwhile, polyphenols have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Some research suggests that they improve gut bacteria and help treat or prevent conditions like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer (5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source).

Mangiferin, a polyphenol found in many plants but in especially high amounts in mango and mango leaves, is credited with numerous benefits (7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source, 9Trusted Source).

Studies have investigated it as an anti-microbial agent and potential treatment for tumors, diabetes, heart disease, and fat digestion abnormalities (7Trusted Source).

Still, further human research is needed (1Trusted Source).

summaryMango leaves are rich in terpenoids and polyphenols, which are plant compounds that may protect against disease and fight inflammation in your body.

2. May have anti-inflammatory properties

Many of the potential benefits of mango leaves result from mangiferin’s anti-inflammatory properties (10Trusted Source, 11Trusted Source, 12Trusted Source).

While inflammation is part of your body’s normal immune response, chronic inflammation can increase your risk of various diseases.

Animal studies suggest that mango leaves’ anti-inflammatory properties may even protect your brain from conditions like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.

In one study, mango leaf extract given to rats at 2.3 mg per pound of body weight (5 mg per kg) helped counteract artificially induced oxidative and inflammatory biomarkers in the brain (13Trusted Source).

All the same, human studies are needed (14Trusted Source).

summaryMango leaves may have anti-inflammatory effects, which may even protect brain health. Still, research in humans is lacking.

3. May protect against fat gain

Mango leaf extract may help manage obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome by interfering with fat metabolism (15Trusted Source).

Multiple animal studies have found that mango leaf extract inhibits fat accumulation in tissue cells. Another study in mice shows that cells treated with a mango leaf extract had lower levels of fat deposits and higher levels of adiponectin (16Trusted Source, 17Trusted Source, 18Trusted Source).

Adiponectin is a cell signaling protein that plays a role in fat metabolism and sugar regulation in your body. Higher levels may protect against obesity and obesity-related chronic diseases (19Trusted Source, 20Trusted Source).

In a study in rats with obesity, those fed mango leaf tea in addition to a high fat diet gained less abdominal fat than those given only the high fat diet (21Trusted Source).

In a 12-week study in 97 adults with excess weight, those given 150 mg of mangiferin daily had lower fat levels in their blood and scored significantly better on an insulin resistance index than did those given a placebo (22Trusted Source).

Lower insulin resistance suggests improved diabetes management.

All the same, more human studies are needed.

summarySome research suggests that mango leaf extract may help regulate fat metabolism, thus protecting against fat gain and obesity.

4. May help combat diabetes

Mango leaf may help manage diabetes due to its effects on fat metabolism.

Elevated triglycerides levels are often associated with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes (3Trusted Source, 23Trusted Source).

One study gave mango leaf extract to mice. After 2 weeks, they showed significantly lower triglyceride and blood sugar levels (3Trusted Source).

A study in rats found that administering 45 mg per pound of body weight (100 mg per kg) of mango leaf extract reduced hyperlipidemia, a condition marked by unusually high levels of triglycerides and cholesterol (24Trusted Source).

In a study that compared mango leaf extract and the oral diabetes drug glibenclamide in rats with diabetes, those given the extract had significantly lower blood sugar levels than the glibenclamide group after 2 weeks (25Trusted Source).

All the same, human studies are lacking.

summaryMango leaf extract may help manage diabetes due to its effects on blood sugar and triglycerides, but more research is necessary.

5. May have anticancer properties

Multiple reviews demonstrate that the mangiferin in mango leaves may have anticancer potential, as it combats oxidative stress and fights inflammation (26Trusted Source, 28Trusted Source).

Test-tube studies suggest specific effects against leukemia and lung, brain, breast, cervix, and prostate cancers (27Trusted Source).

What’s more, mango bark exhibits strong anticancer potential due to its lignans, which are another type of polyphenol (29Trusted Source).

Keep in mind that these results are preliminary and that mango leaves should not be considered a cancer treatment.

summaryEmerging research suggests that certain mango leaf compounds may combat cancer. However, more studies are needed.

6. May treat stomach ulcers

Mango leaf and other parts of the plant have historically been used to aid stomach ulcers and other digestive conditions (30, 31Trusted Source, 32Trusted Source).

A study in rodents found that orally administering mango leaf extract at 113–454 mg per pound (250–1,000 mg per kg) of body weight decreased the number of stomach lesions (33Trusted Source).

Another rodent study found similar results, with mangiferin significantly improving digestive damage (34Trusted Source).

Still, human studies are lacking.

summaryAnimal research indicates that mango leaf may treat stomach ulcers and other digestive conditions, but more studies are needed.

7. May support healthy skin

Mango leaf extract may reduce signs of skin aging due to its antioxidant content (35Trusted Source).

In a study in mice, mango extract given orally at 45 mg per pound (100 mg per kg) of body weight increased collagen production and significantly shortened the length of skin wrinkles (36Trusted Source).

Keep in mind that this extract was a general mango extract, not one specific to mango leaves.

Meanwhile, a test-tube study determined that mango leaf extract may have antibacterial effects against Staphylococcus aureus, a bacterium that can cause staph infections (37Trusted Source).

Mangiferin has also been studied for psoriasis, a skin condition that causes itchy, dry patches. A test-tube study using human skin confirmed that this polyphenol encouraged wound healing (38Trusted Source).

Overall, human research is necessary.

summaryThe antioxidants and polyphenols in mango leaves may delay some of the effects of skin aging and treat certain skin conditions, though more studies are needed.

8. May benefit your hair

Mango leaves are said to promote hair growth, and mango leaf extract may be used in some hair products.

Yet, there’s little scientific evidence to support these claims.

Still, mango leaves are rich in antioxidants, which may protect your hair follicles from damage. In turn, this may aid hair growth (39, 40Trusted Source, 41Trusted Source).

Studies in humans are needed.

summaryBecause mango leaves are packed with antioxidants, they may safeguard your hair follicles from harm.

How to use mango leaves

While mango leaves can be eaten fresh, one of the most common ways to consume them is in tea.

To prepare your own mango leaf tea at home, boil 10–15 fresh mango leaves in 2/3 cups (150 mL) of water.

If fresh leaves aren’t available, you can purchase mango leaf tea bags and loose leaf tea.

What’s more, mango leaf is available as a powder, extract, and supplement. The powder can be diluted in water and drunk, used in skin ointments, or sprinkled in bathwater.

Additionally, a mango leaf capsule called Zynamite comprises 60% or more mangiferin. The recommended dosage is 140–200 mg 1–2 times daily (42).

Still, due to a lack of safety studies, it’s best to consult your healthcare provider before taking mango supplements.

summaryMango leaves can be infused into tea or consumed as a powder. You can eat the fresh leaves if they’re available in your area. It’s best to talk to a health professional before taking supplements.

Does mango leaf have any side effects?

Mango leaf powder and tea are considered safe for human consumption.

Limited studies in animals suggest no side effects, though human safety studies haven’t been conducted (43Trusted Source, 44Trusted Source).

Still, it’s best to check with your healthcare provider to discuss dosage and any possible interactions with other medications before taking any form of mango leaf.

summaryMango leaf products are generally considered safe for human consumption.

The bottom line

Mango leaves are packed with several antioxidants and plant compounds.

Though research is preliminary, the leaf of this tropical fruit may have benefits for skin health, digestion, and obesity.

In some places, it’s common to eat cooked mango leaves. However, in the West, they’re most often consumed as a tea or supplement.

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