
Scientific Name: Anethum Graveolens

Bahasa Indonesia: Adas

Batak: No name

Basic Information: Dill is an annual herb in the celery family Apiaceae. Dill grows up to 40-60 cm, with slender, hollow stems and alternate, finely divided softly delicate leaves, which are about 10-20 cm long and blue-green in color. The flowers are white to yellow, in small umbrels and the seeds are very small and either straight or slightly curved with a longitudinally ridged surface. Most of the time, dill is an annual plant, meaning it can survive only one growing season. The origin is unknown but it is believed to be native to the Mediterranean.

Health Benefits:

  1. Promotes Digestion – the essential oils found in dill are stimulating and activate the secretion of bile and digestive juices. They also help to ease the passage of bowel movements and relieve constipation.
  2. Prevents Insomnia – flavonoids and vitamin B are found in the essential oils of dill, which activate calming and hypnotic effects of certain enzymes and hormones.
  3. Maintains Bone Health – calcium found in dill is an important element in protecting you from bone loss and loss of bone density.
  4. Manages Diabetes – dill helps with the management of insulin levels and therefore is associated with helping with diabetes.
  5. Prevents Excess Gas – dill is a carminative, which forces gas downward through the digestive tract and allows it to leave the body in a safe way.
  6. Boosts Immunity – dill has been shown to prevent a number of microbial infections throughout the body as well as infections in open wounds or small cuts.
  7. Calms Hiccups – the carminative effects of dill help the expulsion of gases, which can cause hiccups. The sedative in dill helps calm hiccups as well, if caused by allergies, hyperactivity, and nervous disorders.
  8. Cures Diarrhea – dill has good digestive properties and the essential oils found in dill can inhibit microbial infections that try to attack the body and cause diarrhea.
  9. Treats Dysentery – dill’s essential oils are disinfectant in nature, which help inhibit fungal infections that usually cause dysentery.
  10. Relieves Arthritis Pain – dill is known as an anti-inflammatory herb, which reduces inflammation and the associated pain of diseases such as arthritis and gout.#
  11. Stimulates Menstruation – the flavonoids found in dill stimulate the secretion of certain hormones that help maintain proper menstrual cycles.
  12. Treats Respiratory Disorders – the essential oils in dill are anti-congestive and antihistaminic in nature, which help clear congestion in the respiratory system.
  13. Oral Care – dill seeds and leaves are good mouth and breath fresheners. The essential oils in dill also help end microbial infections in the mouth and their antioxidants minimize damage to gums and teeth.

Fun Facts:

  • Dill was mentioned in both the Bible and in Ancient Egyption writings
  • In ancient Greek and Roman cultures, dill was considered a sign of wealth and was revered for its many healing properties
  • The conqueror Charlemagne made dill available on his banquet tables so his guests who indulged too much could benefit from its carminative properties
  • Dill’s name comes from the old Norse world dilla which means “to lull”. This name reflects dill’s traditional uses both as a carminative stomach soother and insomnia reliever.





