
If you come with plane, please checkout the connections to Silangit Airport first. Maybe you don´t have to go to Medan. We try to give you an easy explanation to reach Lake Toba. There are different options, which also depend on your arrival time. The Indonesian governement is not able to provide a proper solution to reach Lake Toba. I don’t know what the people in the Toursim Departments are doing and not solve the priority one problem to come to Lake Toba. We try to assist you.


The most guests reach us from Medan. You can take the public bus Sejahtera (55.000 IDR not Air con, 65.000 Aircon) from Amplas Busterminal directly to Ajibata harbour.

From Kualanamu Airport BY TAXI

At the Airport you can find a taxi, which brings you for around 850.000 IDR incl. Toll Road fee to Ajibata (high season the price can get more then 1.000.000 Rp.). Also you can ask us to send you a taxi there in advance for 1.000.000 Rp.

Also for any further Information or help, you need to come to our place, you can phone or Whatsapp us: +6281260858209. Then we can assist you.

Also it is sometimes possible with a shared taxi, if they find other customers. The price then depends on the amount of passengers. You can get it maybe for 150.000 per person. Up to bargaining.


The company PARADEP operates an Aircon Bus from the Airport to Siantar (55.000 Rp.) From there they have shared taxi to Ajibata for around 30.000 Rp. The buses go nearly each hour. But if they have less people, they don’t want to go. Also they make first a stop at the PARADEP owned restaurant close to the airport. Then the driver drives often crazy. It is more an nightmare then an option.

Better you take the DAMRI bus (40000 Rp.) until Amplas Terminal in Medan and from there you go with the Sejathera Bus directly to Ajibata harbour in Parapat. (55.000 IDR not Air con, 65.000 Aicon)


In the south of Lake Toba is a new airport with direct flights to Jakarta and Batam.

You can take a transport down to Balige to the harbour. From there is at 2 pm a boat to Onan Runggu (40.000 IDR) on Samosir. From there we can pick up you with a car (450.000 IDR). It is a very nice drive for two hours over the hills of Samosir to Tomok and then the beachraod to Silimalombu. Also we can pick up you from Onan Runggu (780.000 Rp.) or Balige (1.800.000 Rp) with our Speedboat.

The way back to the airport to Silangit is also possible with this option. The boat from Onan Runggu leaves at 9 am, reach Balige at 10 and from there it is less then one hour to the airport.

From Silangit you can take a direct bus from the government runned company DAMRI direct to Parapat/Adjibata. It leaves from Silangit at 09.00, 10.00, 15.00, 16.00 and costs 65.000 Rp. From Ajibata to Silangit at: 06.00, 07.00, 12.00, 13.00.


Most Direct:

In Parapat you go to the Ajibata Harbour for people and motorbikes (NOT the car ferry port).

If you are lucky you can take take local boat “Martha” straight to Silimalombu 1 pm at Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday for 20.000 Rp. (Saturday at 2pm). Ask for the direct boat to Silimalombu – these are owned by Else or Marta.

But often the boat has a delay of one or two our hours, sometimes more. The best is to have a smartphone and use the time to make all the Internet things. You can wait on the boat or in a coffee shop. The boat take 1 hour directly to the pier of our house.

Not so direct:

Every hour there is a local boat from Parapat or Ajibata harbour to Tomok for 15.000 Rp. From Tomok you have to take a Motorbike taxi or a car to bring you to Silimalombu. This also we can arrange for you . For a Motorbike it is 100.000 Rp. For a car pick up it is 200.000 Rp.

Most fast

We can pick you up from Ajibata/Parapat with our speedboat for 900.000 IDR and then you are in 20 minutes at our house.

WITH CAR from Ajibata/Parapat

There are two car ferries from Ajibata to Tomok/Ambarita. The price for the Government ferry is around 250.000 Rp. You have to book in advance via the website Also the schedule you can find there. But you have to pay with an Indonesian Bankaccount or Wallet. Not possible with credit cards. The second, a private ferry operates already since 50 years and costs only around 150.000 Rp for a car. This operates several times a day and at public holidays also sometimes up to 24 hours a day if they have passengers. Scheduled the last ferry is 9 pm. No booking in advance possible. It takes 1 hour. From there you can drive the 12 km to Silimalombu. It takes you around 30 minutes. Google know “Ecovillage Silimalombu” and bring you directly to our house.

From Medan or Silangit via Tele over land without ferry

The other way to reach us without Ferry is via Pangururan and Tele. It is a very scenic drive. From Tele you go down from 2000 m to 900 m sea level. Also you can visit the Geopark Exhibition in Sigulatti or visit the hot springs in Pangururan. At the end it is often faster, then going with the ferry.